Leading the way forward in Responsible Investing

Our Commitment

We are investment managers. We act as fiduciaries to our investors. We focus on delivering best in class risk-adjusted returns, adopting a highly institutionalised yet operationally intensive, hands on execution approach. We are committed to lead the adoption and implementation of globally recognised standards for Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) management.

Besides delivering financial returns, our investment strategies encompass and address specific developmental needs within our home markets of India and Southeast Asia. Our growth investing focus and high operational involvement creates jobs and furthers economic development.

Our Approach

  • Since inception, we have focused on building a world-class alternative investments platform that leads and adheres to best-in-class responsible and sustainable investing practices. We adopted the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) Performance Standards in 2015. We have integrated ESG performance in our businesses. We strive to make a positive impact in people’s lives while preserving our planet.
  • We focus on the drivers that encompass significant social, economic, political, environmental, and technological changes that have a major impact on business and society today and for decades to come. We perform extensive ESG screenings and due diligence before investing. Every investment has a clear and defined commitment towards Responsible Investing. Our investment methodology incorporates diverse parameters and is executed in a phased manner, with various checkpoints for ESG-related risk identification and management.
  • We have a dedicated ESG Team and engage ESG specialists as required, but it also the responsibility of Deal Teams, including both Investment and Operations professionals, and the Board of Directors of portfolio companies, to drive the agenda as we believe that every Everstonian is a custodian of our commitment to best in class ESG standards
  • Our Executive Chairman personally leads a group-wide Responsible Investing Committee that is constituted with other senior group resources to drive internal alignment and oversight and ensure continued progress in leading the way forward.
  • Our investments generate positive, measurable social and/or environmental impact (alongside financial returns). Our control-oriented growth strategy, geographic and sectoral focus and focus on implementing best-in-class responsible investing practices contribute to meaningful positive environmental and social outcomes.
  • We have a comprehensive Impact Management Framework, that draws linkages to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and incorporates principal elements of IFC’s Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring Framework and the Impact Management Project’s Avoid-Benefit-Contribute Framework to draw distinction in outcomes for different stakeholders.
  • We have an impact thesis for each of our sectors focusing on five key themes.
  • We align our investments with the goals of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and India’s Nationally Determined Contributions, among others, which will help set the world on a path to achieving net-zero or carbon neutral by 2050. We recognize both climatic risks and opportunities. Our strategy is to help accelerate the shift to a more sustainable, low-carbon future.

Frame Work And Membership Title

We make Everstone a great place to work

We make Everstone a great place to work. We regularly enhance the capabilities of our talent through targeted training. We encourage participation in leading industry conferences worldwide. We seek to raise awareness in our talent about our commitment to global compliance standards and responsible investing. We share legal and regulatory updates regularly with our talent sensitizing them to existing and new compliance requirements.

We take a holistic view on diversity, equity and inclusion, both within the firm and in our investments. We have a diverse, trained workforce empowered by fair, pragmatic workplace policies. We actively promote diversity and inclusion. We have accelerated the share of senior female professionals at the firm through the combination of targeted recruitment and development. We ensure that our talent feels valued, respected and accepted for who they are across gender, race, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation and beyond; thus making us intrinsically stronger and proud. Separately, annual trainings are imparted to all employees on prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment.

Dedicated ESG Team and
Senior Leadership Commitment to ESG

Alok Oberoi

Alok Oberoi is the Executive Chairman and has transitioned from a non-executive to a full-time leadership role at Everstone. He has been a shareholder of Everstone and is an active member of its various Investment Committees. Alok spent over 14 years at Goldman Sachs where he was named as a General Partner in 1996 and was the Co-Founder and Chairman of ACPI. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration as well as a Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University.

Bangesh Chakrabarti

Bangesh Chakrabarti is a Managing Director at Everstone. He heads ESG. He is based in Delhi. Bangesh is responsible for post investment operations in the areas of energy and infrastructure, and serves as the Environment and Social Manager (ESM) for Everstone’s private equity portfolio companies. Bangesh has over 28 years’ experience in project management, operations and consulting in power projects across India. He has worked with leading energy conglomerates, including RattanIndia Power (formerly Indiabulls Power Ltd) and NTPC Limited. Bangesh holds a Bachelor of Technology and Master of Technology in Radio Physics & Electronics from the University of Calcutta.

Roshini Bakshi

Roshini Bakshi is a Managing Director at Everstone. She co-leads Deal Teams within Consumer and Healthcare (Wellness) sectors. Roshini also supports Everstone portfolio companies across sectors in the areas of human capital management and marketing and is also responsible for working with Deal Teams on the articulation of the Impact thesis and implementation of the Impact Management framework across the investment process. Roshini heads Impact for the firm and is a member of the Firm’s Responsible Investing Roshini holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from St Stephen’s College, Delhi, with a Master of Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

Shelly Smith

Shelly Smith is the Head of Investor Relations at Everstone. Prior to joining Everstone, Shelly gained over six years of experience in financial services working across the Equities, Investment Management Division and Special Investments Group at Goldman Sachs in London. In her last role with the Special Investments Group, Shelly was responsible for raising capital for GS propriety funds from institutional and high net worth individuals across Asia and Europe. Shelly also coordinated the alternative investment road shows, seminars and other client workshops across Europe.

Mansha Chugani

Mansha Chugani is the Vice President in the Investor Relations & Business Development team at Everstone, based in Singapore. With over a decade of industry experience, she plays an active role in fostering the firm’s investor relationships and driving sustainability initiatives. Before joining Everstone, Mansha spent six years at Partners Group, a global investment firm, where she worked across the Investor Relations and Product Management functions.

Prior to her career in finance, Mansha worked at Infosys, a multinational IT company, where she developed strong analytical and strategic skills. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science.

Impact Management Framework

At Everstone Capital, we support high growth companies that increase the access and reach for essential healthcare, technology, and other products or services, thereby enhancing quality of life outcomes for underserved consumers. Investing in these sectors leads to higher quality employment in our home markets of India and Southeast Asia, mitigation of negative effects through robust ESG management and generation of other ancillary benefits through our Impact Management Framework. While not managing a traditional impact fund, our control-oriented growth strategy, geographic and sectoral focus, and focus on implementing best in class responsible investing practices contribute to meaningful positive environmental and social outcomes.

Everstone’s proprietary Impact Management Framework

In furtherance of the philosophy of “investing responsibly for sustainable development”, we have developed a comprehensive Impact Management Framework, that draws linkages to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and incorporates principal elements of IFC’s Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring Framework (AIMM), the Operating Principles for Impact Management (OPIM) and the Impact Management Project’s Avoid-Benefit-Contribute (ABC) Framework to draw distinction in outcomes for different stakeholders.